“A new and useful ideA”
Developed by an engineer, adventurer, & father of three with a desire to go places.

The product
TRAILERACK is the commercially available production model of a concept that we believed to be a “new and useful” idea that would have broad commercial appeal. We obtained US Patent protection and are now in full commercial production & distribution.
This design concept is completely new to the world – a small & lightweight trailer that is purpose built to carry two or more bike racks at a time, providing an easy way to carry many more bikes than you can carry with just a single hitch.

The Background
“A few years ago, we made a small bike trailer custom fit for our bikes. It was great! We started taking our bikes everywhere. After many fun trips as well as comments and encouragement from people along the way, we set off to find a way to make an affordable, versatile trailer that anyone could use.
In 2017, the idea of using our existing bike racks and moving them to a trailer was born. There are so many good bike racks already on the market. What if we could carry two of them at the same time? Eureka. We simply made a way to carry more than one rack at a time.”
– Paul Stone, Inventor and Developer of TRAILERACK
Paul is a Chattanooga, TN native with a degree in Mechanical Engineering, a career in automotive industry quality control, and a knack for tinkering and creating clever solutions to life’s little problems. A father of three who enjoys the outdoors, Paul is regularly exploring the country with his family, taking a van full of bikes, boats, and camping gear along the way.

The Mission: A Strong Family - Active, Outdoors, Together
“It’s our passion. It’s our priority. It’s our strength. It’s our struggle. As a family of five, we’re constantly trying to figure out how to live this crazy life. Through it all, we’ve come to cherish good times together as a top priority. We believe staying active outdoors together will help keep us a stronger family. As a family who travels often, we’ve found that getting outside and taking our bikes along helps us enjoy more happy moments. I hope this trailer helps your family get out there as well.”
-Paul Stone